Property Management



We specialize in full and partial property management services in Cozumel, Mexico and are accepting more homes and condos to manage. We can manage your property for 3-12 months time frame, to insure your home is not suffering neglect during your absence. 


Full or Partial Cozumel Home Management, Rental Promotion and Management, Remodel, Design or Representation needs

Cool Caribbean Views

Cozumel Vacation Rental Services 

We can promote your Cozumel rental condo or home to receive visitors from around the world, giving a warm welcome to owners and guests alike

Monthly reports of all activity at your property

Coordination of maintenance with our excellent staff

One on one relationship with owners, guests and properties 

On the spot maintenance solutions

Monitor property and guests on a daily basis

No visitation fees

Cozumel Remodel Projects

Whether you recently purchased your home in Cozumel or are wanting to update your existing home, we can help with coordinating contractors, workers, schedules and communication

Acquire estimates, compare prices, discuss and translate quotes and designs

Daily checks of construction site

Recording of progress with update photos

Cozumel remodeled home project

Cozumel Interior Design/Furnishings

We can locate furnishings, coordinate decoration choices, work with local designers, shops, online ordering and receiving

Arrange delivery, installation and payments

Cozumel Buyers Representative

We can help select and arrange viewings of appropriate properties with any real estate company or agent

Represent your interests in all stages of property search and acquisition

Find competent notaries, lawyers, translation services 

We can conduct property searches and get certifications of no debt or lien

Representation of power of attorney for signing of contracts, services, closing documents

Kelley Morgan Gonzalez is a bilingual resident on the island of Cozumel for almost 30 years. She moved from Texas out of college, where she obtained her Psychology and Business Administration degree at UTSA in San Antonio, Texas. She has been helping future and present Cozumel owners purchase, manage, promote, remodel and furnish condos and homes in Cozumel for over 20 years. Her honest and simple approach to business and life is refreshing in todays business environment. She would love to discuss with you about how she can help make your home in Cozumel paradise.  

Call or Contact Me

210-858-9589 US voice

+52 987-876-0638 messages, texts, whats app 

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